I launched Total Focus in October 2016 after conducting two years of research into the current state of performance coaching in the Australian sports environment.
The aim was to increase awareness and understanding of the link between behaviour and performance. Athletes and coaches require training on the mental requirements that create a professional mindset and consistent performance as well as the physical. The drive to discover these links was born from my own experience of playing professional sport and frequently not being able to explain or understand the varying degrees of my own performance!
Since that time, I have had the pleasure of working with athletes, coaches, referees and umpires across a variety of sporting codes (ranging from amateur sportsmen and women through to Olympians and World Champions) to deepen their knowledge, find that edge and perform consistently. I’ve run workshops, analysed thoughts, feelings, motivational levels and physical states, conducted 1:1 coaching sessions, game plan sessions, evaluation sessions and created habits and routines to enhance focus, change mindsets and create consistent performance.
It has been a truly fascinating time that has revealed consistent insights into the impact of mental fortitude for every athlete, coach, referee and umpire. There is a huge imbalance between the time focussed on building physical strength and skills versus building mental strength and focus. The positive correlation between building mental strength and
outstanding sporting achievement is very clear both from individual feedback and the data that we have been collating for the past few years.
Please join us as we continue to explore the aspects of mental strength that define consistent world class performance.
If you’re interested in learning more from our insights or would like to participate in our research, then please contact me directly on andy@totalfocus.com.au.